Swivel bracket as a safety measure

A regional Construction Company with Mühlviertel Handshake Quality wants to increase protective measures on the Construction site for its wooden elements.


A crane is required to manipulate various wooden elements on Construction Sites. When unloading these elements, the installation position is often twisted. For this reason, the wooden elements have to be put down again and again and rotated by 90°, which is very laborious and time-consuming. Particularly with long and heavy timber, this always results in unsightly injuries to the corners, as the process is carried out on the ground and often without any further Protective measures.


In order to protect the wooden elements, they are now placed in the so-called Rotating Trestle after unloading. The suspension can then be changed as required. A controlled rotation of 90° is then carried out together with the crane and the turntable. The slewing frame is made from a solid frame and can handle loads of up to 3 tons.